Workshop on Theory and Practice of Distributed Systems

IBM Research - Zurich
3. November 2015
9:00 – 15:30


This informal workshop brings together researchers interested in the theory and practice of distributed systems, focusing on topics such as:



The workshop consists of invited presentations only. There will be no proceedings.



Christian Cachin IBM Research - Zurich
Maria Potop-Butucaru Universite Paris 6 / LIP6 - Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6



 9:00  Welcome Christian Cachin, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
 9:00 — 10:30 Roman Vitenberg, University of Oslo, Norway Cloud Resource Provisioning for Social Notifications at Mass Scale
  Matthieu Roy, LAAS-CNRS, France Algorithms that Adapt to Asynchrony
  Emmanuel Godard, Universite Aix-Marseille, France Anonymous Graph Exploration with Binoculars
  Erez Petrank, Technion, Israel Memory Management for Lock-Free Algorithms
10:30 — 11:00 Break
11:00 — 13:00 Petr Kuznetsov, Telecom ParisTech, France Eventual Synchrony for Eventual Consistency
  Silvia Bonomi, La Sapienza, Roma, Italy Shared Memories Emulation in a Mobile Byzantine Failure Model
  Marko Vukolic, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland XFT: Decoupling Byzantine from Network Faults
  Michel Raynal, IUF & IRISA-INRIA Rennes, France Specifying Concurrent Problems: Beyond Linearizability and up
  Fabian Kuhn, University of Freiburg, Germany Decomposing Graph Connectivity and the Cost of Multiple Broadcasts
13:00 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 15:15 Alex Schwarzmann, University of Connecticut, United States Electronic Elections and Distributed Systems Challenges
  Christian Cachin, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland On Protocols for Detecting Equivocation Attacks
  Wojciech Golab, University of Waterloo, Canada Analyzing Data Staleness in Distributed Storage Systems



The workshop will be held at IBM Research - Zurich at Säumerstrasse 4 in Rüschlikon, just outside Zurich. Please see the visitor information.



Attendance is free of charge but requires advance registration by November 1st. To register, please send email to distsys15(at) with your name, affiliation, and nationality.


Last updated , by Christian Cachin.